This is a physically demanding, activity based course which includes four main components:
NOTE: Attendance is a major criterion for course credit.
· Technical skills training in jazz, hip hop, contemporary and musical theatre style dance
· Aerobic, strength and flexibility training
· Dance composition (how to choreograph) based on the fundamental elements of dance
(time, space & energy).
· Final public performance in the semester-end dance show.
Dance 9 (DNC 9) Basic Costume Rental $20.00
Dance 10 (DNC 10) Basic Costume Rental $20.00
Dance 11 (DNC 11) Basic Costume Rental $20.00
Dance 12 (DNC 12) Basic Costume Rental $20.00
NOTE: Only students with previous studio dance experience or DNC 10 will be permitted to join DNC 11/12.
Dance Performance Advanced Studio 11 (OTT Course) (DNP 11)
Dance Performance Advanced Studio 12 (OTT Course) (DNP 12)
This is an advanced senior dance class for which participants must apply, audition and be selected. Sign up during course selection – Auditions will take place at the beginning of September. Audition information will be available the first day of classes from Ms. Gillis. It will run outside of the regular school timetable on Mondays from 3:30 to 6:30 pm. In this course students will perform in concerts and competitive settings. Students will develop their technical skills in hip hop, jazz and modern dance, and will create choreography every class which is to be incorporated into the performance pieces. This is an advanced dance class with high physical and technical expectations - only those serious about working in a team setting need apply. Please note there will be additional costs based on class choices.
NOTE: Any students in Advanced Studio must also be enrolled in either DNC 11 or DNC 12.
XTA 11/12 and Choreo XTA 11/12 and Secretary XTA:
Students in grades 11 and 12 can sign up to xta a junior dance class. Grade 11’s may xta a grade 9 class and grade 12’s can xta grade 9 & 10 classes. There are no grade 11/12 class xta’s.
Choreo: Students who enjoy creating choreography for the show and who would prefer not to work with younger students are invited to choreo class. In this class we create many of the dances seen in gala.
Secretary: A student with strong computer and organizational skills can be selected for the secretarial xta position. One must be good at typing, filing, data entry, program and ticket making etc.